No Office Life

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Continuing the Working From Home saga. You can read it how it all have started here.
Are you office dependent or independent? Do you need a printer, big desks or stationery supplies?
When you work from home, access to a printer, for example, can be tricky.
When working at company’s office, I’ve got used to having a big screen attached to my laptop, which is very convenient depending on the work you have to complete. Also access to the printers and all stationary stuff.

Minecraft figures helping to solve some issues
And one of the first things I’ve added to our home office was a big screen. Didn’t get the same size, but it was more than enough.
Second, a laser printer, a display model cheap and great.
Third, optical fiber connection. I didn’t need this to complete my work, but the internet in New Zealand is not good, so any improvement was welcome.
Now traveling, all the above is gone. No big screen, no printers, no big desk and no fancy internet.
But so far, so good. I’ve learned that big screen is cool and that’s all. You can’t take it to the beach, to the veranda or to the garden.
Big desks are also a luxury. Normally the places we are staying only have the dining table and we all share it. The same table is our dining, play, bar and office table.
Coffee? Do you miss the coffee machine from the office? It is very easy just press a button and done, you have a cup of coffee. During travels, you can and have to prepare yours, which can be very pleasant. You can enjoy the taste, smell, flavor and also can have a break without the worries of finishing it fast and getting back to your desk.

my daily need: coffee, paper, pen and music
Stationery. I like to write things down, to make nonsense drawings, circles or simply have a pen and a piece of paper. I had to stop this as well, now I have many text documents with all my nonsense notes, but sometimes a piece of paper appears along with the coffee mug.

text editor, a great way to take notes
So, if you need a big screen, just use the TV, most of houses and hotels today have a TV with a VGA or HDMI port.
Coffee: you can make yourself a fresh one every time you need. Enjoy it.
Big desk: this won’t be a problem, just enjoy the outdoors or share the dining table!

outside desk with the mountains view
Do you miss any particular thing in your office when working from home?
What can’t you live without?
Sometimes, only sometimes, I miss people…
Yeah. I miss people too. 🙂