Monthly review number 5!

I’m going to be very mature and self-controlled now, and not freak out about it being the fifth-month review. 😛

tokyo disney sea

The 6 of us at Mermaid Lagoon, Tokyo Disney Sea

We’re in our first overseas stop, which is Japan! We had an awesome week in Tokyo, despite the weather. We had loads of Japanese food, vending machine drinks, and ice cream, and well, fun! (Follow us on Instagram! That’s where we post loads of new photos!)
Before that, we spent a bit over 3 weeks in Auckland in 2 different houses. We spent a weekend in Remuera, a very nice house. We were living on the ground floor and the owners were upstairs. It was beautiful and the first time ever I saw a double sink in a house bathroom. Pretty cool. It was walking distance to a park, in a very residential area.
auckland harbour

The beautiful Auckland Harbour, NZ

Then we had 3 weeks in this apartment. It was small and very crowded. It had a funny smell, and even our clothes still smell like it – I’m guessing it’s something used to clean carpets and sofa. The great thing about this place is that it was super close to everything in the center. Super handy.
(If you’re new to Airbnb, click here to receive a discount on your first booking – and we receive one too, without any additional cost to you!)
And a bit before that, we had our last days of Rotorua too.
auckland at dusk

Auckland at dusk, it was the first time we saw it like that from that place

There were a few changes, as we were preparing for our overseas trip: we sold the car, decided to pick one small bag from the storage to take gifts to Brazil, Brazilian elected president Dilma Rousseff suffered an impeachment – and it really makes us wonder how it’s going to be when we’re there. We left NZ, and we actually tried out our gear for the first time (before that we only needed to pack the car). I had my birthday and turned 35. Angelo left the company he was working for.
On the blog, I updated the pages about our favorite restaurants, Auckland, and North Island.
We’re also going to send our this month’s postcards from Japan, so do subscribe (and don’t forget to confirm your subscription) to our newsletter to go in the draw!
flight attendant josé

Jose helping out the flight attendant to give out candies

That’s all for today! If we hadn’t answered something, leave it here and we’ll answer for you!
Traveling with kids full time for five months? We're doing it! Click to read more about it!

A pin to make life easier!



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