DISNEY SEA!!! by Melissa

A pin to make life easier!
We went there summer 2016.
Disney Sea, Japan.
Why do you have to be so hot, Japan?!?!
You could have helped us at least this one day!
Ok, let’s start where the adventure starts.
‘Cause it was quite an adventure…
So first we wake up at 6am (like every other day here in Japan). Then we get ready to leave for the bus.
We try to make it to the bus but then dad realizes we won’t make it in time. So then we decide to go by train. And then we kinda get lost…… So we decided to go by bus and you get it, it went like that.
Train, Bus, Train, Bus, etc.
But at the end, we ended up going by train.

Arabian Coast’s food court
Then we finally got there, we had to take a Disney train to go to the park.
I didn’t mind, I was just happy jumping around while everyone else was tired. The Disney train is so cute! It’s just Mickey everywhere. And by everywhere I mean, you can’t look somewhere and not see a Mickey.
When we finally arrived at the park I was so excited!!!! We walk in the park and I keep repeating “Are you ready?!?!” or “Are you excited!??!?!”.
I was probably being really annoying. Oh well!
The first thing we did was go to get Fastpass’s for Journey To The Centre Of The Earth.
We managed then headed off to 20.000 Leagues Under The Sea. It was so fun, Coral and José were scared but we went on anyway! It’s got these kinda weird fish things. Dad waved at one of them and to his surprise, it waved back. hahhahahahahahahahhahahaha!
Then we headed to Mermaid Lagoon, it’s just sooooooo pretty!!!! There’s like fake coral fencing, the lamps have shells and sea horses. There’s a shop which is a whale, you go in the whale’s mouth and there’s the shop! Mermaid Lagoon was also cool because there is a part that’s inside, so it was really handy since it was super hot.
Ariel is my favorite Disney princess so that’s probably why I liked it so much. I also really like Melody (Eric and Ariel’s daughter) but no one ever remembers her.
We also got our first popcorn of the day there, in this Olaf bucket. It’s cute, kinda creepy, cause your eating popcorn out of a snowman. The popcorn was Carmel flavor, it’s really good.

American Waterfront, Disney Sea
And it was time to go back and ride Journey To The Centre Of The Earth. Too bad Coral couldn’t come, we did child swap, we didn’t just leave her there alone. João and José went with dad and I went with mom.
Journey To The Centre Of The Earth’s line has a creepy kinda miner tunnel feeling. Kinda reminds me of a bit of the Orlando Tower Of Terror line. And at some point in between screams, ups and down in the roller coaster mom was holding on to me because she thought I was gonna fall.
Hey, but we survived!!
After that, we headed to the Arabian Coast and had lunch. It wasn’t the good..but we were hungry so not much else we could do. We all ate curry except Coral.
Fun Fact 1#: Coral only ate popcorn that day.
After eating lunch, we went on the carousel. Which happens to be a two-level carousel! I guess that made it kinda cool.
João wanted to ride the griffin, so mom told him to run to the griffin. And so when the gates opened José got the griffin before João did. I think they were arguing before so that was José’s revenge, but I’m not quite sure.
After all the carousel drama we went on Jasmine’s Flying Carpet. So there’re two rows of seats on every Carpet. (The carpet is like a Dumbo but a carpet instead) Whoever sits on the front if they pull the lever, they can move the carpet up and down, but if you sit at the back and pull the lever, they can make it lean it down or up.
Fun Fact 2#: The magic carpet in Aladdin (movie) actually belongs to Aladdin, not Jasmine. Meaning the rides name is wrong. Unless Aladdin gave the magic carpet to Jasmine.

Tower of Terror, Disney Sea
Then we went on Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage.
There’s not much to say about it since I don’t know who the hell Sindbad is and because the ride is boring. It’s like It’s A Small World, in Orlando, Disney World.
Then went to go get Fastpass’s for Indiana Jones. We wanted to go to Raging Spirits but it was closed!!!
Then we stood in line for an hour to go to Toy Story Mania! We were quite lucky because the line is usually much longer since it is the longest line in the park.
Toy Story Mania is so cute, just adorable. I have never been the biggest fan of Toy Story, but Toy Story Mania is very fun and cute!
Toyville is the place where all the Toy Story stuff is located. Walls outside are decorated with funny pictures of the characters. There’s a store that only sells Toy Story stuff and you can even see Mr.Potato Head tell jokes and sing. And right outside Toyville there is a little stand with mochis that look like the little aliens from Toy Story!!
After Toy Story, Dad and I hopped on to the Tower Of Terror. I am the last person you would invite to a scary party/movie. I hate spooky stuff. But Tower Of Terror is so much fun!! I really like fear falls, so I had to go! This one in Tokyo is much scarier than the one in Orlando. Hey but its still fun!
Then we went back to meet up with João, José, Coral and mom again. Then rode the train to Lost River Delta.
Which is where Indiana Jones is.
Oh and somewhere around this time, we go the black pepper popcorn. It’s simple but actually quite good! We ended up only eating caramel four times and black pepper once.
On the way back to Indiana Jones we passed by a place, a very fun place we didn’t even know existed. We passed by the Marine Life Aquarium, from Finding Dory. The sad thing was that it was not open yet, it was opening soon.
We all walk away sadly.
Then we went on Aquatopia. We wanted to go on the wet version of the ride but the man who worked there pointed us to the side with no water… João didn’t want to get wet so he was happy. But everyone else was sad.
When we get to Indiana Jones, José, dad, and João went together the first time and mom, João and I went after. Coral couldn’t come so João went twice, once with his Fastpass and once with Coral’s Fastpass.
Ok, so Indiana Jones is super scary. Not as scary as the Tower Of Terror but still scary. While mom and I were screaming for our lives João just sat there casually.
You could even see on the picture at the end, he just sat there like he wasn’t about to be eaten by flying skeletons or a giant snake.
Then at this point of the day, we had done everything we really REALLY wanted to go on. So from there on we just went everywhere we passed. Went on a few more rides, went to see a few shops, just chilled.
Then after we went to have dinner. We looked in so many places like some had chicken liver burgers and some were SUPER expensive. So we ended up eating at a bakery.
After that, none of us wanted to go home but we were all tired. Especially Coral, so we went on Toy Story Mania again. Standing in line for two hours and almost falling asleep but we made it.
After that, we were all so tired that we just went home.
Fun Fact 3#: Coral fall asleep walking.
I’m not sure what you think but I think we had quite a good time…
Anyway, this is where I am going to leave this post for today.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Feel free to Message, Comment your opinions and if you have any questions make sure to ask!! I will do my very best to reply!
And don’t forget to tell me who your favorite Disney character is!!
Thanks for reading this post, See you next time!
Bye Bye~
Love Melissa

The view of Mermaid Lagoon
All photos were taken by Melissa
Que legal, Mel!!
Realmente você deve ter sido “A” chata. “Quem está emplgado? Quem está feliz?” kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Mas é bom colocar pra fora o que a gente sente, né? Nem que pra isso a gente incomode um pouco os outros.