Digital Nomads

What to pack for beach vacations with kids

We all know that taking the kids to the beach, be that a day…

Digital Nomad and Tourism

When we say or think about tourism, first though that comes up…

What is Digital Nomad and How to become one

There are so many types of digital nomads that it’s actually…

Digital Nomad – Reality

As a successful digital nomad you are going to be accused of…


Last week we’ve completed 6 months since we’ve left our house…

Productivity tips for Digital Nomads

Let’s be honest. Staying productive while traveling is not…
Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

As we are approaching our first international trip as World…

No Office Life

Continuing the Working From Home saga. You can read it how…

DIGITAL NOMAD – Working from Home

A lot of people ask me about work or how I work from home.…